1. Clients and Markup
- Images need to have absolute URLs
- Styling the element with inline styles
2. Table for Layout
- Reset default spacing
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- Elements need to be seperated into rows and cells
- Use padding to seperate content
3. Mucho Media Queries
4. Targeting Specific Clients
- Correct line height with a vendor property
<!--[if gte mso 12[>
td {
mso-line-height-rule: exactly;
- Clipping can occur on inline elements
>> The Word preprocessor ignores line height on inline elements.
- Outlook 2013 and empty cells
>> 를 써줘야 임의 height 값이 생기지 않는다.
- Outlook 2013 applies line height to images
>> Font size and line height need to be set to the height of the image to avoid gaps.
- Some clients force a minimum font size
>> Apple adjusted to 14px
- Overriding client minimum font size
>> Vendor-specific properties exist to override defaults
[-ms-text-size-adjust: none;]
5. Small Screen First
- Problem: Outlook.com removes "margin"
>> Margin: 0 auto;
<!-- [if mso|(IE)]>
- display:inline-block 이 세로로 쌓일 때 약간의 공백이 생기는데, 이를 해결하기 위해서는 <div style="font-size:0;"></div>로 감싼다.
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